''Putting My World To Write is a book which tracks the ups and downs of a life filled with sadness, sorrow and mayhem, sprinkled with a spoonful of madness.
For people to pick up a book, especially one written by an unknown author, it has to have a cover that looks the part. It was at this section of the process where I struggled slightly. I knew in my head what I wanted it to look like but translating my thoughts to paper proved to be challenging.
Initially the only thing I could think of was having a black cover which would reflect the tone of my material. But there is also humour in the book providing the ideal contrast to some of the deeper and darker poetry. What I really wanted to do was try and put a book together that would make people think, laugh and cry.
I knew I had to get some sort of image on to the cover but I was stumped on what it could be. After numerous draft versions, we decided that a stairway best illustrated the highs and lows of my life, basically climbing a stairway to try and get myself back to some kind of normality. I hope when you view the finished cover you’ll agree that I have managed to achieve this, and that you can judge a book by its cover.
Andrew West Boyd © 2014
Initially the only thing I could think of was having a black cover which would reflect the tone of my material. But there is also humour in the book providing the ideal contrast to some of the deeper and darker poetry. What I really wanted to do was try and put a book together that would make people think, laugh and cry.
After discussions with my publisher, we thought of doing something different with the title. The book was always going to be called ‘Putting My World To Write’ but how could it have a different look to it? Something to make it stand out. We decided to turn the title in to a three line poem, the third line ending with the book title. I decided to use silver and white text against the black, along with an unusual, eye catching font. It was now starting to look better, but still not enough to catch the eye of someone browsing in a book shop.
I knew I had to get some sort of image on to the cover but I was stumped on what it could be. After numerous draft versions, we decided that a stairway best illustrated the highs and lows of my life, basically climbing a stairway to try and get myself back to some kind of normality. I hope when you view the finished cover you’ll agree that I have managed to achieve this, and that you can judge a book by its cover.
Andrew West Boyd © 2014
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